Wrecking Ball


Wrecking Ball

Wrecking Ball rolls across the battlefield, using his arsenal of weapons and his mech’s powerful body to crush his enemies.

Health 500
Armor 100
Shield 0
Real Name Hammond
Age 14
Height Unknown
Affiliation None
Base of Opperations Horizon Lunar Colony (formerly), Junkertown (formerly)
Quad Cannons
Wrecking Ball’s automatic assault cannons tear apart threats at medium range.
Wrecking Ball transforms into a ball, increasing his maximum movement speed.
Adaptive Shield
Wrecking Ball’s temporary personal shields absorb damage, providing stronger defenses if more opponents are nearby.
Wrecking Ball slams onto the ground below, damaging enemies and launching them upward.
Wrecking Ball deploys a field of long-lasting proximity mines which explode on contact with enemies.